lets goyang hardcore!
Saturday, December 23, 2006

I have my laptop back woohoo! But this moment of exuberance will be short lived.
Curse the trip to Malacca.

I have come to a point where I have so many things to blog about.
So many things are in my head right now. So many questions.
I hope eh.. all these fucked up things in my head do not bother me when I'm over at Malacca.
I hope eh.. my grandparents have a HOT new neighbour or they built a new jacuzzi or some Malaysian Matreps to taunt.

Reasons why Malacca rocks:
-I get to see my grandparents and other relatives who live there whom I hardly know
-I leave all my troubles and problems back in Singapore
-I get to drive my Mum's NEW CAR
-SHOPPING although nothing much there but its so different from Singapore and the city's like an hour's drive knn
-FOOD omg kenny rogers watch out
-Malaysian tak jadi Matreps
-cheap cigarrettes
-Late nights watching dvds with cousins

Reasons why Malacca will suck
-Boredom coz most of the time there's nothing to do there. seriously
-I'll miss my friends
-I'll miss my internet
-I'll miss my smsings
-I'll miss my calls

Thank God my cousin's there. He's a Matrep in denial but he's really great to be with.
We'll have fun sneaking a cigarrette break every now and then. hahaha

OK now why am I telling all of you this when there are more pressing matters I wish to blog about?
see.. now I'm lazy

well, I'll get back to you guys when I come back. hopefully

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

I'm at school right now and taking this opportunity to blog since my laptop at home was taken away from me to be sent for servicing. Come on lah.. it was working FINE except for the damaged keyboard and multiple viruses in it.

Life has been ultimately boring at night without my laptop. Usually if i have nothing to do at home, I'll just slack around my neighbourhood, smoking loads or maybe go out for a jog, then smoke loads. But due to the motherfucking rain, i was stuck at home. And there's nothing on TV( i regrettably have no cable), so i just lie on my bed, turn on my mp3 and make believe i'm performing in a gig. But then i'll get so high i wouldnt be able to sleep. So i'll go smoke somemore cigarrettes. Maybe that's why I still have not recovered from my sickness.


Well anyway I'm gonna be disappearing from Saturday onwards. Hope this disappearence can help me relax, keep me away from all my problems.

hokay, see you guys erm.. when i come back. And don't ask me when I'm coming back coz frankly, i myself don't know.


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I was watching Kopi O Teh Tarik on Suria just now and they had this singing competition for children. Only four children competed, 2 guys, 2 girls, and these four were awesomely GOOOOD! Not just good good, I mean GOOOOD! Especially the last one. He went on to win the competition. Boys rule girls drool HAHAHAHA ok kental. OK dats all. I just wanted to say how good they were. heh. OH! and at the end of the show this song came up and the cameras showed the audiences, whoaaa makcik semangat cik! gelek lagi! gelek lagi! woohoo! Its always a hilarious scene when you see old malay aunties acting like immatured school girl groupies. hahaha no offence aye?

Dammit I'm still sick. Massive headache and really irritating coughing and runny nose.
*sniff sniff* urgh...
And panadol isn't helping one bit.
I don't want to go to the doctor because firstly, I hate waiting for my turn to see the doctor. Second, I hate it when they ask me questions. Third, I hate the words they sometimes use. Lastly, I have to pay for a few minutes of gibberish talk. I know, I know its all for the best.. Maybe I'm just lazy.

I need a nurse

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Saturday, December 16, 2006


I woke up today with a fever and my body's aching from head to toe..
I wasn't feeling well yesterday but I insisted on climbing
and because the company yesterday was so good, I climbed a little too hard.
Now basically every moving part of my body's aching.
yeah I'm typing real slow right now..

The whole family's out and I'm stuck here alone at home.
You see if I'm not sick I'd be overjoyed coz the house will FINALLY have some peace. well.. I will finally have some peace. hah
I'll be blasting the music loud, dressed in only my boxers, skate along the living room corridors, play my guitar and sing my heart out, etc etc.

But no... I don't have the energy to do that.


I think today I'll indulge myself in some creative artwork.

Apple where are thou?

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Friday, December 15, 2006

for the sake of gloating
Its way past 11 but I'm still online!
Its gonna be 1am soon and tonight has brought up some surprises!
I think I'm gonna sleep a happy man tonight =)

Friday, December 15, 2006

Thursday, December 14, 2006

i'm in skool
noni is beside me choosing songs
the rest of the climbers are playing taiti
nobody is climbing
that's what makes us damn strong

i'm effing bored and feeling sooo un-gay
the only thing making me happy are my MUSE tickets.
noni said "sial ah kau"
because she can't go to the MUSE concert and haha she's jealous
she once said after the concert she will be hearing how nice the concert was and faking a smile, wishing that the ground would open up and swallow her into the abyss.
hahaha like so emo

this is what i think of emo people
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imagine noni's face in that pic.

hey you.
your contradictory banterings are pissing me off
and its not helping me nor you one effing bit.
and believe me, you do not want to get on my bad side.
i sometimes wish i never bother
but i have to admit, there are times when you got me jumping off my seat screaming like an excited little girl.

oh musemusemuse.. make me gay(happy)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Wednesday, December 13, 2006



eh try counting how many Os there are in the elongated wooo
I'm freaking high

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Monday, December 11, 2006

This post is dedicated to my Mum, the Evil Empress

Did you know, her highness imposed an online curfew for me. Like haha I have to shut off the computer at 11pm. The reasons behind it I shall not go into because it is just too bloody stupid. This latest unreasonable act by the Evil Dutchess prompted me to write a letter to her. It goes on sumthing like this...

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As you can see, I find it pointless. Only her majesty is right.


But heck. You see my dear friends, I'm a scorpio and I just simply wouldn't stand being dictated senselessly like this. I have so many times evaded her grasp of terror. I bet I can do it again. But for now, no more late night chattings..


Monday, December 11, 2006

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Okay i couldn't resist entering this post.

Lyn asked me to help her design a picture for her blog. So i took one of her pics and doodled with it using photoshop. Layers here, paint there, filter everywhere. Then while doodling with the stamp filter I uncovered this!

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I call this "Lyn transmorgifying into a vampire"

Pretty cool huh?

HAHA sorry Lyn! I shall try again designing your pic.
-lots of bugger luf

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Saturday, December 9, 2006

I cannot effing wait for MUSE!


I was watching their live performances on Youtube and oooo goosebumps! I'm sweating under my armpits, my legs cannot stop moving, my hair's in a mess, my mind's in a daze.

Senorita Fee! Faster get your money so we can buy the tickets lah!

I'm gonna ask the help of my alien friends to use their spaceship and abduct Matthew Bellamy, Dominic Howard and Chris Wolstenholme. I will confine them in my room which secretly has an invisible forcefield where I can control who goes in and out. Then I can goyang hardcore everyday! I will go home early everyday and my mum will be very happy!


I want to cut my hair!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Welcome to Lets goyang Hardcore's first official entry!
Hi my name is Zim and I'm the editor for this blog.
Here, I give you an insight to my world, a door to my mind.


Well, last Sunday I attended a wedding. It was my cousin's mother's brother's wedding and it was GRAND. The food was grand, the decorations were grand, but it was the people who were especially grand. I come from a huge family and it amazes me how all of us could keep in touch and unite whenever there is an occasion which erm.. requires reuniting. So this showcase of incredible oneness inspired me to take loads of pictures. I roamed around the void deck, armed with my cousin's camera taking pictures of unsuspecting family members. I swear within 30 minutes I was in need of new batteries. I can't possibly show all the pictures i've taken but i can show you my favourite picture!

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Look at my Nyayi (second from the right) and her opened kelengkang. priceless..

After most of the wedding guests have gone home, I still continued to roam around with the camera. I was fortunate enough to have an opportunity to catch the little people in action. They call themselves the Roche Rangers, protectors of the Ferrero Roche flowers. Now lets seat back and let them pictures tell the story of the AMAZING ADVENTURES OF THE ROCHE RANGERS.

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In the end, the monsters won. Like finally the bad guys win. After that, Monster Sham and Monster Zim had a feast of their Ferrero Roche flowers.

After all that great fun, all of us went home very happy people.

Well thats all for today's Lets goyang Hardcore post!
Look out for future post! Hurhur

~I should really start studying~

Thursday, December 07, 2006

first of all i would like to thank APPLE for helping me design my blog!


Html is like wtf to me.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


bespectacled design whore
pixel freak extraordinaire
ascending expressionist
regrettable student aerospacer
emoting loverboy




November 2006
December 2006
January 2007